Agency: LMC & Associates
Client: The Center for Rural Health Development

Format: TV, OTT, and Social Media

In spring 2020 with Coronavirus outbreaks on the rise and the fear of COVID sweeping the world, it started to become apparent that stopping the spread of airborne pathogens was priority number one. The seasonal flu, though different than Coronavirus, causes sneezing; sneezing is a serious thing for those that might also be carriers of other more deadly viruses. Thus, this campaign was born.

The Center for Rural Health Development and LMC & Associates directed us to create this video campaign encouraging folks to get their flu shots. After a number of strategy and brainstorming sessions with us, they landed on the theme of “EveryOne Adds Up” because of its dual meanings regarding social responsibility and herd immunity. This simple message combined with some statistics regarding things we do every day to stay safe created the backbone of the campaign.

To create a unique feel for the campaign we elected to film with anamorphic lenses. These lenses were originally created for filming movies in a super wide aspect ratio, however they create very iconic and interesting images with elongated bokeh and interesting flares. This look would set apart this campaign from other WV ads that have a more “local” look.

The spots aired statewide on television and OTT for a number of months throughout the fall and winter of 2020 and the social media versions (seen below) were pushed out online where they garnered over 5,000 engagements.

Spot #1
Spot #2
Spot #3